BC Place Fall 2015 Lighting Initiatives
December 2nd, 2015

The spectacular lights that glow on our stadium roof – known as the ‘Northern Lights Display’ – are used to promote events at BC Place, celebrate seasonal holidays and raise awareness for organizations and charities that are important to our communities in British Columbia. We utilized the Northern Lights Display a number of times throughout the month of November to support the following initiatives:
November 2, 2015 – Pancreatic Cancer Awareness
BC Place was shining PURPLE on Monday, November 2 in support of Pancreatic Cancer Canada's "Purple Lights Campaign".
The campaign is intended to raise awareness amongst Canadian’s of this ‘silent killer’ during the month of November – which is designated Pancreatic Cancer Month. Today, Pancreatic Cancer is the fourth leading cause of all cancer deaths in Canada. There is no known cause, no early detection and no known cure.
Visit http://ow.ly/UalRC for more information.
November 11, 2015 – Remembrance Day
BC Place lit up "Poppy Red" on November 11 - Remembrance Day - to honour our country’s veterans. BC Place joined Canadians in taking the time to remember the sacrifices our veterans made for Canada.
November 14 &15, 2015 – #BLUEBLANCROUGE
BC Place was glowing #BleuBlancRouge on November 14 and 15 in solidarity with the great people of Paris, and everyone around the world affected by recent tragic events.
November 17, 2015 – World Prematurity Day
1-in-12 babies are born prematurely in Canada and these numbers are on the rise. By lighting buildings and monuments purple, The Canadian Premature Babies Foundation aims to raise the profile and increase awareness of Prematurity in the hope of decreasing these numbers greatly.
BC Place was glowing PURPLE on Tuesday, November 17 to show its support and to help raise awareness for this important cause.
More info: http://www.cpbf-fbpc.org/
November 25, 2015 – Crohn’s & Colitis
BC Place was glowing RED on Wednesday, November 25 to help generate awareness for 'Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Month'. It is estimated that 1 in every 150 Canadians are living with Crohn's and Colitis.
For more information visit www.crohnsandcolitis.ca/
November 26, 2015 – Mental Health Awareness
BC Place lit up PURPLE on Thursday, November 26th for Mental Health Awareness and to support the Amanda Todd Legacy Society. The Amanda Todd Legacy Society. Society promotes youth mental health issues, anti-bully initiatives and supports for learning disabilities.
To find out more information visit www.amandatoddlegacy.org
November 29, 2015 – Orange the World - End violence against women
The ‘16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence’ is an international campaign which runs from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to December 10 (Human Rights Day). BC Place was shining ORANGE on Sunday, November 29th to show its support.
During the 16 Days Campaign, the United Nations’ UNiTE to End Violence against Women invites governments, civil society organizations, and individuals to mark the 16 Days of Activism by increasing awareness and creating opportunities for discussions about challenges and solutions. The UNiTE Campaign uses the colour orange as a uniting theme symbolizing a brighter future.
November 30, 2015 – Giving Day – Growing Chefs
BC Place was lit up GREEN on Monday, November 30th to show its support for Growing Chefs’ GivingTuesday campaign.
Known as GivingTuesday, the global day of giving, BC’s Growing Chefs! has challenged Canadians to view a special Growing Chefs! video, produced by Georgia Street Media, where every unique view will result in a one dollar donation by a supporting corporation (up to a maximum amount of their choosing).
About Growing Chefs!
Growing Chefs! runs a Classroom Gardening and Cooking Program in elementary schools to get kids excited about growing, cooking, and eating good, healthy food. Chef volunteers are paired with Grades 1-3 classrooms for the primary program and Grades 4-7 classrooms for the intermediate program to give students hands-on gardening and cooking experience. The program will be delivered by over 130 volunteers in more than 40 BC classrooms in the 2015/2016 school year.